Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Moon and the Sun with Candy in the middle...

Sunny and Moony are insePURRable...
Candy is very wary of Moony-he likes to chase her...
Tonight she plopped herself between the boys!
Cats are dynamic amazing creatures!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Backyard Bird Friends...

Candy & Roses...

Kitties on a rainy day...

What I just BOUGHT the kitties!!!

Tom has a SPRING DEAL... 20% off today, tomorrow, and Thursday!
So I went for it! Sunflowers are my birthday flower!
They were my thing before cats!
Can you imagine the photo ops on this thing?

Cat Mom Art!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Candy LOL!

The Bluebird of Happiness....

We took a walk in Stiglmier Park and saw Bluebirds today...

They were nesting in this tree trunk...

My son Marc took and photoedited this one for me!
Listen to the bluebird's song with your kitties...

The 4 CAT-mandments!