Sunday, February 28, 2010

SUNDAY- Tommy Tunes Time!

Premier Chadwickoon Lord Thomas Milton
aka Tommy Tunes- because he's an oPURRa singer.
DOB- 11/25/99- Thanksgiving Day

Tommy is a blue classic tabby Maine Coon Cat.

He has a gregarious PURRsonality and loves cats and PURRsons.

Also aka Young Deuteronomy- the father figure cat
from the musical cats was Old Deuteronomy...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Randy!

Mommy & The 8GR8CATS wish our Dad
A Very Happy Birthday #64
Listen to a special song for him today:

Today is also Tommy's #10 Gotcha Day...
He was Randy's Birthday gift!

Thankful for the Sun & the Moon

Moonlight-Kitty & Sunshine-Kitty
aka The Fabulous Kittyboys
aka Moony & Sunny

They're always in the same PURRsition...

Moony & Sunny are littermates born 8/18/98
They are 11.5 years old

I've got the Sun in the morning and the Moon at night!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TUESDAY- 8GR8CATS-Tails tales...

Pride in the lower hidey hole... displaying his tail!

Moony has the PURRfect paintbrush tip on his tail...

Where does Joy's tail begin and her floofy body begin?

Puff-Kitty giving me the tail...

Furby's fabulous tail on the sheepskin...

Sunny's funny stubby tail...
What he lacks in tail length- he makes up for in love!

Tommy's big blue plume of a tail...

Candy's great big cocoa-puff of a tail...
Thanks to CCL Wendy for this tail topic!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mancat Monday- Sunshine-Kitty

I'm gonna soak up the sun...

Gonna tell eFURRYone to lighten up...

I've got no one to blame for every time I feel lame

I'm looking up o I'm gonna soak up the sun

Sunday, February 21, 2010

SUNDAY Silliiness...

Sunny & Moony squished togeFUR in the basket...


Where's my supper Crazy Cat Lady??? 

Tommy is Joy's Sugar-Daddy Kitteh- bestowing gifts upon her!

Two's Company... Three's a crowd...

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Moony- here!

Pride & Sunny... PURResent and napping!

Candy- Leaf me alone...

Furby- FURont and center...

Tommy- Here with my PURRson Randy!

Joy- Here monitoring things...

Puff-Kitty- Here but too pooped to participate...

Friday, February 19, 2010

FURiday-Human Kitten Visit...

Furby checks out Jonas sitting on the kitty throne...

Furby and Jonas' daddy Eric were best pals growing up!

Jonas gets a cat's eye view...

The FURst official pulling of one of the cat's tails...