Sunday, April 18, 2010

SUNDAY- Sleeping & Sabres...

It's dank and rainy... a good day to sleep...

Tommy wants to know what all the hollering is about...

Crazy Cat Lady Carm in her Sabres shirt- with Candy...
Watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs...
Buffalo-1 and the Bruins-1


Epic the Cat said...

I completely agree with you guise - today's a perfect day for sleeping, keep up the good work! *purrs*

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is my plan today as well!

CCL Wendy said...

That sleeping trio on the couch look so darn comfortable! I mean most humans don't have such a sleep-inducing set-up! Your cats have it made.

Very cool shot of you taking your own picture in the Sabre t-shirt, too. I see Candy wanted to come along for the ride!