Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Joy wants to say Thanks!

Even though Wednesday is usually wordless...
Rainbow Joy wants to say Thaaaaanks!
Thanks to COTD, the Cat Blogosphere, and to
our wonderful Kittyworld FURiends!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

RAINBOW JOY is Cat of the Day

Name: Rainbow Joy
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Maine Coon Cat
Home: Marilla, New York, USA

My Maine Coon Cat Rainbow Joy is a blue/silver patched classic tabby w/white. She was born on Bastille day, 7/14/00 - Viva la Joy! Rainbow Joy was named for Joy Adamson, who was my heroine as a girl. She's the lady who rescued, rehabilitated and released the lioness Elsa to the wild in the book/movie "Born Free." Rainbow is because she was a mom cat and she has such a colorful coat that she had the ability to make a rainbow of kittens. She was an excellent momcat! We have her son Pride with us still, so we have Pride and Joy!

She is a Champion in the Cat Fancier's Association. She's a DIVA and is well aware of her own attractiveness! She has a thunderous purr... and she's a talker! She makes her opinion known fur sure!

Here is a photo of her in her maternal role, Joy giving Pride a lecture when he was but a kitten, taken seven years ago. She was an excellent mother cat and took meticulous care of her kittens. She taught Love, the only girl kitten, how to stand up to her roughneck brothers. She taught the boys to play nicely and wash behind their ears. Joy is a very playful kitty. She also enjoys her special time on my lap. She has the loudest purr you ever wanted to hear. She is also very talkative and lets you know exactly what is on her mind! Joy's son Pride remained with us and she still shows him special attention and discipline even though he is bigger than her now!

Joy is doing well and turned nine on July 14, as is her son Pride who is 7.5. Her other kittens are all fine, too, in their forever homes. She loves to play with catnip toys. She's also very vocal and has complete conversations with us... Her talent is being a suPURRmodel and has been painted by several artists. Her photo appeared in the books Cats 24/7 and she's quite the Celebrikitty!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tomorrow is JOY, JOY, JOY Day...

Behind every good his Momcat!

We have it on good authority that tomorrow...
Pride's momcat Rainbow Joy will be...
The Cat of the Day at Cat of the Day .com

Saturday, September 26, 2009


It's Caturday and it's time to just relax!

Have a nice cold one...

Curl up in your favorite box

Find a nice place to PURRch

Take a break from your stressful routine...
Ah Furby... what stressful routine?
This is what you do all the time...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thankful fur Tommy!

Our Tommy was born on Thursday 11/25/99
Thanksgiving Day... He'll be 10 this year...
I'm hoping PURRhaps our grandson Jonas who is due 11/21
might hang in there and share a birthday with Tommy!
Tommy is an oPURRa singer, a fashion and decor consultant,
he loves gift wrap, ribbons, tissue paper and cellophane!
He is the most gregarious of all my cats and loves visitors!
For all these things and his great big blue PURResence
We are truly Thankful!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cougar Alert

Cougar from the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, NY

Monday, September 21, 2009

8GR8CATS Roll Call...

Puff-Kitty Silhouette DOB est. 10/31/96
"She who must be obeyed"

Sunshine-Kitty and Moonlight-Kitty DOB 8/18/98
"The fabulous kittyboyz"

Furbert Leo Cappuccino DOB 4/1/99
"The Class President"

Premier Chadwickoon Lady Godiva Candy DOB 6/10/99
"The sweetest kitty on earth"

Premier Chadwickoon Lord Thomas Milton DOB 11/25/99
"The fifth tenor"

Champion Chadwickoon Rainbow Joy DOB 7/14/00
"The Queen"

Premier Colecoon All-American Pride DOB 12/15/01
"The little prince of the sunset"

Romeo & Juliette- Sunny & Joy

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Joy is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Our bird feeders are right outside our window...
We watch the tweets have their noms!
These are sparrows...

This is a goldfinch...

This is a house sparrow...

Mom loves to go out to see Great Blue Herons...

This is our state bird of New York State the bluebird!

Thankful fur Catnip...LOLs...