Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Greetings...

Happy Halloween Birthday #13 Puff-Kitty!

Puff-Kitty is our stray girl who came to us 12 years ago in October of 1997.

Our veterinarian said that she appeared to be about 1 year old.

Since we didn't have a birthday for her we decided Halloween
was a PURRfect day to celebrate for a black cat!

Puffy is showing how much she looks like the kitty on the throw!

Puff-Kitty Silhouette our feline evangelist...
Matriarch of the 8GR8CATS
Happy Birthday my fine feline friend!

Friday, October 30, 2009

FURiday Fall Festival!

Since our cats are indoors-only-kitties I brought some
fall leaves in the house as enrichment for them...

Tommy & Furby liked batting them around.

Sunny was rolling in them.

He even wanted to eat them...

Puffy-Kitty is getting excited as tomorrow is her 13th birthday!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Our friend Su who came to visit us brought
this hat for our daddy Randy!

I LOVED the SNL Skit about Landshark!

Furby as Landshark!

Pride's looking for who ate that hat!

Who's there...
Door opens...
Landshark chomps the person...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

MEWSday- The Kitty Next Door!

This lovely lady is GINGER the kitty next door!

She was posing behind her screen door and I couldn't resist...

It's so nice to meet you!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Candy Corn- Candy Coon

Thanks to Ann of ZOOLATRY for including our Candy
in her Masked Monday feature on her blog!

Mancat Monday- Moony & Sunny

The T-FURmation of synchronized sleeping!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Arianna and her sister Chessie came along with their
PURRsons Carol & Gary all the way from Ohio!

Arianna in the motor home!

Chessie chillin' in the motor home...

Gary and Chessie!

Carol and Arianna...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

CATURDAY- Company!!!

Su R has arrived in Buffalo!!!
The 8GR8CATS knew immediately that she was a cat PURRson!
Here she is with Candy and Joy!

Auntie Su brought the kitties some catmint...
We had never had that before!
YUMMO! We got lots of treats too...
Tomorrow the kitties will relax while we visit the Falls...
Then Arianna & Chessie and their PURRsons will arrive!

Friday, October 23, 2009

FURiendly FURiday!

One of the greatest parts of Cat Fancy is all the wonderful PURRsons we meet-who just so happen to also love cats. I find most of my friends are cat PURRsons. I really don't have much use for anyone who isn't at least fond of animals.

Today is a VERY exciting day for Randy, me and the 8GR8CATS... One of our FURst online FURiends- Su R, is coming from Saint Louis, Missouri to meet us... We go back to a Yahoo CLUB... called the Virtual Maine Coon Cat Club... 10 years ago! This was when Candy was a kitten that I started communication with other cat lovers online!

Then tomorrow Carol and Gary F are coming in their motor home WITH their kitties-Chessie & Arianna. They are related to us by feline blood... Their girl Arianna is our Joy's niece- her sister Patches girl... We are going to see my sister's girl Sweet Marie- who is also a Patches daughter...

LOTS of excitement this weekend... We have never met in PURRson before!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday- The Office

The Office is a popular TV Show on Thursdays...
We have our own version of the Office here!
Here's Randy the other human in the office...
Sunny & Moony are helping out too...

Tommy & Candy come in while Sunny & Moony
are on their break!

Tommy is licking his chops from his coffee break!

Every office has the two guys who always goof off!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Puff-Kitty is part of About's
Franny Syufy used her picture as the Gallery Picture!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MEWSday Muses

Cats, Butterflies & Sunflowers are my things!

The kitties were playing with my butterfly garland
while sitting on the sunflower cat tree!

Sunshine-Kitty so pretty with a tiger swallowtail...

Tommy and the Monarch...