Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful for our Catlady Friends...

This is our Aunt Amy who is the mom of Stormy Skye- who is
Joy's niece, Pride's cousin, Tommy's niece, and Candy's GR8 niece.

Kisses for our Aunt Amy... <3 U!

Tommy looks so much like Stormy...

Tommy just loves having company visit!


Kas said...

THat is just so sweet, I had a smoochy moment with a play buddy from Spider's kitten days. A grey tabby called Tweak!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Your Aunt Amy looks like she is soooo much fun and she looks soooo nice!

Your furs are just amazing!! Does your Mom brush you a lot?

Love, Cody

CCL Wendy said...

Tommy's coat looks amazing in these pictures! And yes, his fur colours are quite like Stormy's. But Tommy's already got his lady, the beautiful Joy!