Saturday, October 2, 2010


Today is Livestrong Day on the Cat Blogosphere...
The 7GR8CATS support the Livestrong Campaign


Kas said...

THat looks like a great pastime, that is hanging out in the tree. You all look quite regal there.

Anonymous said...

We are all banding together today and hope there's a cure soon!


Kea said...

It's wonderful to see so many CBers going yellow today. We're sending purrs, Light and universal Blessings to All Beings affected by this disease.

Angie, Catladyland said...

Great post! Awareness is always important! And I can never get enough of all of your cats in that tree...priceless :)

The Florida Furkids said...

We love that photo!

We hope that one day this terrible disease will be gone and there will be no more need for a day like this. Until then, we LIVESTRONG.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

ZOOLATRY said...

They a supercats, one and all, left to right and up and down...
now let's see them all on that
"real" sunflower just beyond the window...

Anonymous said...

We MUST LiveStrong for us and for those who have fought the good fight and lost to this miserable disease. Today we honor those who have lost their battle, those who are fighting their battle and those who have fought and won! They are all our HEROES!

Today we stand tall with all of the LiveStrong participants. Together we WILL find a cure in our lifetime!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You even have a great yellow cat post! So very cool!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are purring for a cure. LiveStrong

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We love your tree!

We are honoring our Mom's friend and remembering our sisfurs today.

~ The Bunch

Cat said...

What a fantastic picture! Let's Livestrong and Lovestrong too :-)

Jans Funny Farm said...

We saw this photo in the slide show yesterday and now we know where the kitties live. We can't imagine how you got such a great shot. We drive Jan crazy trying to get more than one of us in a shot.